Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not fit for the Marines....

It was raining hard this morning so instead of my awful run outside, I did one inside. I went to my local gym and attempted the treadmill. Now, I don't know the last time anyone had been on a treadmill, but there are a lot of options. Incline, speed, these are but two of the easy ones. There are fitness tests, intervals, hills, etc... I decided that I would do a fitness test to see how I would fare. Yet there were even more options, like Army, Navy, Marine, and some things composed merely of letters. I opted for the Marine test.

Little did I know that despite my not having used a treadmill in ages and not liking them and only wanting something to warm up on, that I was now on a 3 mile run, with my manhood at stake. That's right, I mean to say not literally, but my concept of myself as a man. I needed to complete this test to see how I measure up. I finished in 30 minutes, pretty good for me. I started slow and picked up my pace as needed. At the end I scored a 6.

6! I think, 6 out of 10 is fair, but what does the 6 really mean. I would last 6 seconds in combat? I am a 6 less of a man than a Marine?

So I googled and got the answer I wish I didn't know. 6.. out of .... 100. Yes, I suck. I could not be a Marine even if I wanted to be one. Then I looked further and found that they make concessions for age. I find that in my age group (30ish) that if I run it at 29 minutes, I would make the minimum.

YEAH! That's right, I could be a Marine, just a bare bones minimum if I was 1 measly minute faster. I know I could do it. So now.... I have a goal!

Although I would also have to do 3 pullups and 45 situps in under a minute, the latter no problem, the former.... Well, let's say I take umbrage at the indignity that is gravity. Maybe I can do 1, but catch me a break. I have been around 300 pounds most of my adult life.

Speaking of weight, some of it is back. I rue the plateau, hate the gain. Did you know that Nestle Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies have like 400 cal!?!?!?!? I guess my kids get to eat them.

By the way, it is awfully hard to keep your cool when you are working on the computer and some random person (about 3 feet tall and likes to push buttons) wanders over and pushes the button on the power strip for the computer and all of its accoutrement. Just because. Just since it is there and needs to be pushed, as it is a button.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Glourp. This is the sound I make. I have been completely derailed. I was able to maintain a little at first, but remember when I said I can't take time off, I lose momentum?

Momentum lost. Reward for lost momentum, answers to the name ... Well, you get the point.

This is me remembering what I need to do and to stop thinking about it.

So it totally sucks that I have to only eat like 1500 cal to lose weight. I mean, come on!

This is me stopping my hissy-fit.

Unless you have already guessed it, I am no long on a plateau but on a steady upwards incline, not the good up. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRroar. So here I am to reaffirm myself and get things un-derailed. Of course, the bowl of breaded and fried steak cubes doesn't help, but this is where the thinking is not good. I was thinking "Hey! My protein intake is always low, I should eat this like this!" No, I shouldn't. Anyway, here I come less calories in and more out.

I put a coloring page on the wall in my office. It is of the panda Po and the turtle saying "Ah, I see you eat when you are upset."

This is me, being Po.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


By the way, the running is going well. I broke 10 minutes for my first mile the other day (9.30) and I am consistently around 10 minutes now.

Plus, the Anytime Health website is much better. I like it a lot more, especially because it factors in the calories burned with your calories consumed. I just creates a better picture of what I need to do.


Ok, I understand that the body needs rest and recuperation. But, I am weak willed and cannot take breaks or I lose momentum. I haven't exercised for the last 2 days and I feel fat. Well, it doesn't help that I have been eating like a pig and all that either. I just keep telling myself that I am just trying to make up for the calorie deficit from the weekend.

This is me regaining control.

I ran again this morning and worked out on the Wii. So, the hula thing.... Damn.

Anyway, I need to get my head on straight. I have a HUGE demo this afternoon that I haven't prepared for. It should go ok, I hope. I am a little nervous since it is going to be broadcast live on the newspaper's website and it is on a huge stage at lunch time at the county fair. And I have little to nothing prepared.

But Hey! Check it out on I hope that they keep a copy of it and I can use it for something on the gym's website. I have been thinking that anyway. I may have to enlist some of my in-house editors....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Ok, still here....

It has been a week and a half but I am still on my feet. Down to 264.5 this morning, but I also almost had heat exhaustion yesterday. Black Belt Camp went pretty well.

This is me not dwelling on losing my second fight at the Kumdo tournament.

It went pretty good this weekend and I had a fairly good time. It was awesome putting in 2 hours of taekwondo training in my online tracker. It's around 1100 cal burned. Awesome...

Getting sleepy, and tired and sore. I saw so many Vibram and Vibram like shoes this weekend. I really wish they would have let me sell them. I could have made a mint.

Oops, dozed off for a bit. More later....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

And another one (and a half) bites the dust...

268 today! It is seeming more like a reality. I just may get down to my post-national wieght. I didn't think it would happen this week. I thought I would either plateau or gain since I was sick one day (ended up sleeping around 10 hours-a feat for me) and ate rather unwell (depression can be a bitch). But, I am doing well and since we have no money (I mean like, NO money) I won't have to worry about eating too much. We won't have anything to eat ;).

So, for now, I will enjoy my bibimbap breakfast and dream of more lucrative days....

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

And now....

So, I don't want to sound pitchy or anything, but I do want to point out that I have issues with shoes. I have always had issues with shoes. It has often been said that I have Fred Flintstone feet, which I kind of do, so shoes.... Well... They aren't made for people of my body type.

I end up wearing shoes a little to long so that they are wide enough and I never get to pick out the cool shoes. Or, if I do, they are damned expensive. Also, when I run, my feet go numb. Usually between 1 and 3/4 miles to 2 miles. But if I am barefoot, I'm fine.

With that being said, I have found the world's best shoes. Vibram Five Fingers Rock! They kicked my ass at first, but once I was used to them, I don't think I will ever go back. Sorry New Balance, you have been replaced.

I love my KSO style shoes, but they come apart at the seams. I think I will go with the Bikilas next, they have better "track" record.

By the way, since my last entry, I made a running mix for my iPod and I ran 2.2 miles in 22 minutes. Not bad for me. I have also looked at using the website from the gym that I go to instead of Web MD. Right now I am doing both, but just until I decide I like one over the other.