Thursday, August 18, 2011


Ok, I understand that the body needs rest and recuperation. But, I am weak willed and cannot take breaks or I lose momentum. I haven't exercised for the last 2 days and I feel fat. Well, it doesn't help that I have been eating like a pig and all that either. I just keep telling myself that I am just trying to make up for the calorie deficit from the weekend.

This is me regaining control.

I ran again this morning and worked out on the Wii. So, the hula thing.... Damn.

Anyway, I need to get my head on straight. I have a HUGE demo this afternoon that I haven't prepared for. It should go ok, I hope. I am a little nervous since it is going to be broadcast live on the newspaper's website and it is on a huge stage at lunch time at the county fair. And I have little to nothing prepared.

But Hey! Check it out on I hope that they keep a copy of it and I can use it for something on the gym's website. I have been thinking that anyway. I may have to enlist some of my in-house editors....

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